Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Hepatica,for Health Line

The Hepatica, or Health Line, runs diagonally across the palm from inside the Life Line to near the start of the Heart Line. Oddly enough,,, it’s an excellent sign not to have this line. People without the Hepatica have exceptionally good health and rarely even get a cold.

The absence of this line indicats a good constitution and little stress. If the line is present, it will probably be quite obvious. This is an indication that the owner pays attention to his own physical well-being
and enjoys good health.

It the Hepatica is clear and runs all the way from the Life Line to the Mount of Mercury (the mount below the little finger), it is an indication of longevity. Someone with this line will pay attention to health matters when necessary and will easily outlive most of his of her contemporaries.

A Health line that varies in quality indicates periods of ill-health. This need not be a specific illness. The person may simply have periods of poor health.

Read more: Hepatica,for Health Line

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