Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Health & Beauty Hazards in Mold and Mildew

Living in Hawaii has some perks and some challenges. The thing that makes it so beautiful is the high humidity so the rain forests can thrive. We have just finished all seasons of Lost, and it has stayed breathtakingly beautiful for the whole series.

However, these high humidity conditions do cause condensation to form on cold surfaces inside of buildings and even outside where there is constant water. Long periods of humidity really challenge those that take care of computers, books, clothes and many more items. If condensation remains in a location for a long time, mold and mildew can begin to grow. health and beauty.

Mold is a fungus that can develop on walls, ceilings, food, clothes, books, furniture and many more items. It is particularly troublesome in bathrooms, closets, basements and kitchens. If you have experienced a flood, you are aware that the water can get trapped in the walls for a long period of time and this can be hazardous to your health. Mildew actually is a type of mold that grows on leather, fabric, paper, etc. and is also potentially harmful.

Health Conditions
Molds cause certain types of allergies. Runny nose, postnasal drip, sneezing, itchy eyes, throat and nose, sinusitis, headaches, and watery eyes are the most common complaints. For those who suffer with asthma, mold can make your condition worse. Shortness of breath, coughing, and wheezing are symptoms of asthma.

health and beauty

Some serious health conditions can also be caused by mold and mildew. Some toxins are produced by certain molds and can greatl affect people in a contaminated house or office. If you are exposed for a long length of time you may develop more serious conditions than just allergies or asthma. Some memory and hearing loss has been attributed to mold contamination. Also breathing difficulties, flu-like symptoms, dizziness, fatigue, nausea, excessive bruising and acid reflux have been linked to mold. Those affected have had to take medications or had to have therapy or treatments to get back to normal.

Even permanent damage to your health can result if you do not eliminate the mold and mildew from your environment. Mold can weaken our immune system and cause brain damage. Balance and coordination problems, long-term memory, hearing or eyesight loss have been reported. Some of these conditions cannot be reversed. The most damaging strains of mold can even lead to autoimmune diseases. Do are you convinced yet that you need to get rid of any and all mold and mildew in your home?

My sad experience
I traveled to the mainland from Hawaii one summer for about three weeks, and I had locked up the house tight and secure. When I returned, I was shocked to see mold and and mildew growing on places I had not expected. There were little patches of mold growing on our dining room chairs and starting to grow on my couch. I had to scrub and scrub to get it out. Now whenever I go away for an extended amount of time, I make sure I leave the fans going, so there is some circulation of air to minimize the humidity.
Basements health and beauty. We do not have basements in Hawaii, otherwise we would hit water, but for those with basements, mold and mildew can be particularly troublesome. Mold and mildew seem to like dark damp areas of the house particularly where the air is not constantly circulated. It can grow on drapes, rugs, leather, ceilings, corners, carpets and so much more. They will cause discoloration and can damage or rot anything they get a hold in.

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