Friday, August 17, 2012

Face Of Transplant Woman Has Complete Feeling And Better Speech

Five months after her partial face transplant, Isabelle Dinoire has complete feeling on her face again. According to an interview Dinoire had with Le Journal du Dimanche, the physical recovery has been easier than coming to terms with her new look.

When asked whether she had accepted her new look, she said 'It is too difficult to explain'. She says that every day she thinks of the donor who made it possible for her to be visible again. She says she is forever grateful. Sometimes she says she looks at her photo album, sees pictures of her old self - before she was mauled, and is still amazed at how different she looks now.

She is able to move her facial muscles again, Dinoire says her speech has improved significantly.

Dinoire has to have an injection each week to stop her body from rejecting the new tissue, she also takes 10 pills each day. On a daily basis she has to look at a patch of the donor's skin, which has been attached to her stomach. Any change in the skin would be an indication that her body may be rejecting the donor's tissue.

Dinoire was the first person to receive a face transplant. The operation took place in November, 2005. She received new lips, a chin and a nose.

In her first news conference last year it was not easy to understand her as she had difficulty in moving her mouth. She had a large scar around her face - this scar is healing well, she said. Her operation lasted over 15 hours.

In May last year Isabelle's face was severely disfigured when her dog mauled her while she was asleep as a result of a medication overdose. Apparently, the dog was trying to revive her - which it apparently managed to do. The dog was later put down, against the family's wishes.

This year a man received a face transplant at the Xijing Military Hospital, Xian, China. Li Guoxing received a new upper lip, cheek and nose. Surgeons worked for 14 hours on his face. Guoxing was a hunter who suffered a bear attack two years ago, leaving his face severely disfigured.


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