Thursday, May 24, 2012

Preventing Destructive Decisions: Contract for Life

Preventing Destructive Decisions: Contract for Life

SADDAre you familiar with the Contract for Life? Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) designed a contract that facilitates communication between young people and their parents about potentially destructive decisions related to alcohol, drugs, peer pressure, and behavior. In this contract, a teen acknowledges the many destructive decisions they may face, and promises to avoid risking their well–being and their parent’s trust.
The teen agrees to:
  • Never drive under the influence or ride in a car with someone that has been drinking
  • Always wear a seat belt
  • Call a parent or guardian if they are in a situation that could possibly endanger their safety
In return, the parent or guardian of the teen must agree to:
  • Try their best to understand and talk to the teen about destructive decisions
  • Provide a safe ride home
  • Postpone discussions about the situation until they can both talk about it in a calm manner
  • Not drive under the influence and avoid riding in a car with someone who has been drinking
  • Always wear a seat belt
The Contract for Life is a great way for teens to be responsible about their decisions. It gives teens the opportunity to be more open with their parents about their actions, even if their actions could be destructive. This contract also provides teens with a safe ride home if they don’t have a designated driver, or in the event that their designated driver decides to drink.

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