Friday, May 25, 2012

PCOS: Meal Assessment Worksheet

Healthy eating for PCOS includes the following guidelines:
  • Eating small meals and snacks every few hours instead of eating large meals.
  • Including a balance of carbohydrates, protein, and fat at meals and snacks.
  • Choosing high fiber carbohydrates including whole grains (instead of refined grains), fruits, and vegetables.
  • Choosing healthy fats (instead of saturated or trans fats).
  • Limiting sugar–sweetened drinks, refined grains, and sugary treats.
You can download, print, and use the Meal Assessment Worksheet located below to help you follow these guidelines. Write down everything you eat on the worksheet, and review it at the end of the day. Look at the boxes that are checked "No". What could you eat next time to make it a "Yes"? Make a shopping list of foods that will help you stick to your healthy eating plan. If you are eating large portions, try eating smaller portions every few hours and brainstorm about healthy snack ideas for in between meals. The more you practice PCOS-friendly eating, the easier it will become.


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