Saturday, May 19, 2012

Matt Kemp, the Dodgers' $160 million man, works like a demon to stay on top

MATT KEMP LIKES TO SAY "DEFINITELY." Sitting in the living room of his downtown Los Angeles apartment, he responds to a question with "definitely" 10 times over the course of an hour. In a 15-minute phone call he adds six more, including the mythic double-definitely: "Definitely, definitely." There is no uncertainty with the man. In 2011, the Dodgers star contended for several offensive distinctions. He finished second in National League MVP voting. He also led the National League in home runs and RBIs, just missing the Triple Crown by finishing third in batting average. On top of all that, he was one homer away from becoming the fifth member of the 40-40 Club, with 39 long balls and 40 stolen bases. It reads like a stat line from a video-game season, not one belonging to a pro ballplayer facing other pro ballplayers.

So yes, Kemp seems at peace as he sits on the couch in his apartment. He's in flip-flops, gray sweatpants, and a faded blue T-shirt that reads "1981 Dodgers"—one of LA.'s only two World Series victory seasons in the past 31 years. Nearby is a trophy case, and beyond that is a hallway leading to the kitchen, where Kemp's personal chef is cheffing around.

Kemp, 27, signed an 8-year, $160 million contract extension in the off-season. The deal capped a dramatic reversal from where he was a year before, after a 2010 season so uneven that some wondered if the Dodgers would be better off trading him. Nothing was definite for Kemp in the months following that season, his worst in the majors. "People were saying I wasn't going to be the player they thought," Kemp says. "I expected more of myself." But without that stumble, he wouldn't have developed the focus that paved the way for his spectacular 2011.

KEMP HAS LONG HAD THE PHYSICAL TOOLS NECESSARY TO HUMILIATE a baseball. A native of Midwest City, Oklahoma, he is 6'3" and 215 pounds and possesses a combination of power and speed that in 2006 earned him the nickname "the Bison" for the way he thundered around the bases. His 2009 campaign suggested that a spot among the elites was imminent; he won both a Gold Glove and a Silver Slugger (meaning he was tops at his position—center field—for both offense and defense). Then the scuffling began. Kemp's 2010 season was defined by errors and base-running gaffes, slumps and benchings, and arguments with managers. He'd taken up with R&B bombshell Rihanna, and the relationship sparked questions about his priorities. In late April 2010, Dodgers GM Ned Colletti publicly suggested that perhaps Kemp was overestimating his own abilities.

"All season I was unable to fall into a groove. That led to inconsistency," Kemp says today. "When you think positive, good things happen. But that year, I had trouble channeling my negative energy into something positive. I needed to figure myself out."

Kemp dedicated the ensuing off-season to that process. Not about to let lapses in fitness derail his comeback plans, he traveled to Tempe, Arizona, to devote himself to a diet and workout overhaul. Trainer Garrett Shinoskie, C.S.C.S., put him on alternating low-, medium-, and high-carb meals, tailoring Kemp's carbohydrate intake to his energy demands for that day. "If you do a full-on workout and then eat McDonald's or Wendy's, you're defeating the purpose," Kemp says. "If you put good things into your body while working out, you'll see results." He also linked up with Arizona State University assistant women's track coach Kenny McDaniel, who subjected him to a battery of high-knees, flexibility drills, hurdles, sprints, and runs up "A Mountain," a steep peak near campus. "I'd done two-a-days in the past, but not at that caliber," Kemp says. "I had never before been in the shape I was in this past year."

What remained was molding mind to match body. That breakthrough came after Kemp arrived at spring training. Having noticed the way Kemp could let minor frustrations mar entire ball games, Dodgers first base coach Davey Lopes instilled in him the importance of staying focused on the task at hand.

"Sometimes you'll have a bad at-bat and then take your anger into the field and misplay a fly ball," Kemp says. "Or you'll make an error in the field and then do something wrong on the base paths. What Davey stressed was, 'When you're a hitter, be a hitter. Block everything else out. Whatever you're doing, focus on what you need to do in that role. Don't carry over negative feelings.'" It was a lesson that helped Kemp center himself both on and off the field.

"If I'm in the car after a bad game, I may think about ways I need to improve," he says. "But the second I reach home, the game's over. Work doesn't come inside with me. Same thing in reverse—I don't bring my personal life into the ballpark. Learning to keep it all separate has made life easier."

Compartmentalizing work can also help you push harder when you do clock in. As with many athletes, Kemp's business-time mindset is called "Beast Mode," a full-on approach to what he's doing. "We all have roadblocks in our lives. Beast Mode doesn't make excuses. It doesn't complain. Whatever you're doing, go out there and get it done. Keep pushing. If I have a bad game, I think about what I have to do to return to form. Figure it out, go to sleep, and wake up a new man."

But Beast Mode is only as effective as a person's commitment to it. Two seasons ago, Kemp's Beast Mode sputtered. Last year it thrived, and so did he. So what's in store this year? Kemp's stated goal for 2012 is to found the 50-50 Club.

"I wasn't being funny when I said that. You always want to be reaching for the next level, and to do that you have to set your goals high. I really think I can go 50-50, and that's what I'm working to do. What I expect of myself now is to be one of the best players in major league baseball."

Of course, in order to become the best, it helps to believe you're not already the best. Let the competitive fires burn; let Beast Mode roar. And don't let little things like a nine-figure paycheck go to your head.

"After I heard about the contract, I sent a text to congratulate him," says Dodgers manager Don Mattingly. "He responded, 'Thanks, but we've got work to do.' That's all I needed to hear."

The trick for Kemp—and for anyone with a long-range goal—is to sustain intensity and production over months and years. "Matt showed us he could have one great year," Mattingly says. "If he's going to be truly great, he has to do that over time. But he can still become better. And that's scary for everybody else."



At the heart of Matt Kemp's makeover was a carb cycling schedule designed by his trainer, Garrett Shinoskie, C.S.C.S. "The diet is divided into three categories: high-, medium-, and low-carb days," he explains. "Training days that elicit the highest metabolic demand receive the greatest amount of calories." Makes sense, right? More work requires more fuel. For any guy who wants to turn his own game around, Shinoskie describes a basic cycle.


The Meal
A typical low-carb meal includes 5 to 7 ounces of lean meat (ideally organic), prepared the way you like. Pair that with 1 to 1 1/2 cups of vegetables and one or two servings of natural, healthy fat, such as avocado or virgin olive oil.

The Workout
Low carb intake is for rest days or days with low training stimulus. On these days, I like to do core/mobility sessions, low-intensity total-body sled recovery workouts, or both. I also prefer low carb for evening meals and/or snacks on high and medium days.


The Meal
Eat 5 to 7 ounces of lean meat prepared the way you like, along with 30 to 50 grams of carbohydrates from a low-or medium-glycemic starch source (such as sweet potatoes, brown rice, or beans). Limit added fat.

The Workout

Medium-carb days are scheduled when the training is at moderate volume and intensity. I like to pair medium days with most upper-body training sessions, unless the program requires high volumes or training intensities.


The Meal
Here you want about the same amount of lean meat as the other days (5 to 7 ounces, prepared the way you like), along with 50 to 100 grams of carbohydrates from starch and fruit sources. And again, you'll want to avoid any additional fat with this meal.

The Workout
As you've probably guessed by now, high carbohydrate intake is for days when the athlete's training stimulus is high volume, high intensity, or both. I like to pair high-carb days with lower-body and power training sessions.


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