Saturday, May 19, 2012

For boxer Mike Lee, the secret to success is training outside the box

IN BOXING, SUCCESS CAN BE A DRUG, ESPECIALLY WHEN IT COMES FAST AND EARLY. Mike Lee knows the taste-first-round knockouts, sponsorships, TV commercials. Yet for all his triumphs, the 24-year-old light heavyweight prefers to focus on a much different motivator: failure. "For me, it's a positive thing," says Lee. "The fear of failure reminds me of my passion for the sport."

Failure is what landed Lee in the ring in the first place. A born competitor, he grew up in suburban Chicago playing football, baseball, and ice hockey. But it wasn't until he was cut from his high school basketball team that he discovered boxing. "I was devastated about being cut," says Lee. "But after, my cousin brought me to a boxing gym and everything just clicked."

For everyone else, it just plain hurt. Rocking skulls came naturally to Lee, who spent a year at the University of Missouri before transferring to Notre Dame. ("Like Rudy," he jokes.) He quickly became one of the school's sports heroes, winning its famed Bengal Bouts 3 years in a row. "For the first time in my life, I was excited to go to the gym," he says. And that's a good thing because, as Lee puts it, "training is the hardest part of fighting."

In boxing, actual fights are typically few and far between, separated by weeks or even months. The interim is devoted entirely to building the strength and stamina needed to overpower an opponent. Lee had expected to lift weights, toss tires, log miles, and sweat like Stallone circa 1976. But he hadn't expected to sling kettlebells, swim laps, and exercise in ways that might have made Rocky shake his head. "The old-school training mentality is fading fast," says Lee, adding that exercise science is changing the sport and creating more formidable fighters. "Swimming, for example, taught me to breathe efficiently, which is important when you take body shots," he says. "And I did yoga before my first few fights—the stretching made me faster and helped prevent injuries."

Perhaps the greatest tool in Lee's arsenal, however, is his brain, which is filled with about $100,000 worth of knowledge from Notre Dame. "People often hear about my education and ask me why I'm doing this," he says. Here's his answer: "I'm good at it, I love it, and I don't want to ever feel regret."

Lee also argues that boxing gave him the discipline to succeed in school, while his education made him a smarter fighter. "I feel like I need to be constantly learning and bettering myself," says Lee, who believes that his finance degree, along with his connections from Wall Street and summer jobs at the CME Group, will set him up for a strong second act after he's finished with boxing. "When you get smarter, you evolve, and that improves every aspect of your life."

So far this holistic approach has served Lee well, boosting his performance in the ring (he won his first eight fights) and expanding his influence beyond it (he's involved with several charities, including the Ara Parseghian Medical Research Foundation and the Kelly Cares Foundation). Indeed, it has even helped turn the national spotlight in his direction (you might recognize him from Subway commercials). Eventually, however, he hopes it will help him achieve his ultimate goal: a world championship belt.

"I can't predict the future," says Lee, who's excited by its possibilities. "All I can do is take one fight at a time, keep getting better, and keep going out there with everything I have." If you're on a card opposite him in an upcoming fight, that's something to worry about.

Total-Body Power Plan

"This workout reflects the demands of a pro fight," says Alwyn Cosgrove, C.S.C.S. " It's also low impact." The result is less strain, more stamina.

Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, resting 30 seconds between them. Once you've run through all three exercises twice, rest for 1 minute. Repeat three more times.

Shuttle Run

Set up two cones 25 yards apart. Sprint from one to the other and back.

Kettlebell Swing

Hold a kettlebell or dumbbell in one hand at waist height. Bend at your hips and knees, and swing it between your legs. Now stand, swinging it up to chest level. Repeat. Switch hands each time you do the exercise.

Squat Thrust

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Squat as deeply as you can and place your hands on the floor. Kick back into a pushup position. Bring your legs back to a squat and jump up. Land and repeat.

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